Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 2

"Holly Ann Parker." The low dull voice of the teacher bulleted through Holly's thoughts. She looked up, her dark eyes registering that he was pointing her to her seat, probably the same seat for the rest of the year. Holly slouched over to the empty seat and sank into its cold metal and fake cold, wishing she was elsewhere. It was the first day of school and summer felt so far away. As she began drifting off, my chemical romance echoed in her head as she distantly recalled the songs that had been playing in her car on the way to school.
"You alright, Hol?' Holly looked up to see an equally tired Art staring back at her. Holly was suddenly wide awake, her thumping heart acting as caffeine. Ever since 6th grade, she had had a crush on the timid but kind Art. She gave him a small smile.
"Just tired, that's all," She replied. He grinned, his light blue eyes rippling over her like water. Then he looked past Holly and frowned. His face went from tired but happy to hard and guarded. She looked behind her to see what he was looking at. A tall boy, vaguely familiar made his way over to the two of them. He gave Holly a grin and Art, a grimace as he slid into the seat next to her.
"Hello brother," Art growled, his teeth clenched. Holly's mouth dropped open, looking from the boy to Art. Art's brother did not even reply just calmly rearranged his books.
"Damn it," cursed Art. "Doesn't the teacher know that Adam's my fuckin' brother." Holly realized her mouth was still open and quickly closed it. Art continued muttering, turning back to the front of the class. Holly took out a pencil and began doodling on her desk, her eyes fluttering shut.
"So you must be Holly." She jumped in her seat and turned to see Art's brother, Adam, grinning widely at her. She reddened, her cheeks burning as she nodded slowly.
"Nice to meet someone who can stand my brothers anger management," he said, holding out a hand. Holly felt herself shake his hand, but was deep in thought. Art? Anger management? Was he even talking about the same person? No, no of course they couldn't be.
Adam said nothing else to her the rest of the period, except a goodbye when the bell finally rang. But even though words didn't come from his mouth, Holly was vaguely aware that his gaze almost never left her turned head.

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